
Welcome to the "Reactivity with Solid" course. This course will cover SolidJS from the basics of Reactivity through to building real applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn fine-grain reactivity fundamentals
  • Learn how build and deploy SolidJS applications
  • Implement common operations like data fetching
  • Learn the basics of Server Rendering with Solid
  • Gain insight into JavaScript Framework design


Most lessons will start with a lecture to which there are slides and then break off into specific code examples.

The beginning will focus on fundamentals and theory and will progress to more practical application. While this is perhaps different than most courses you've taken, I've found that for Solid is beneficial to gain experience with the foundations first before trying to get too far into it. There is a little bit of a learning curve up front but once over that hump everything else falls easier into place.

That is because SolidJS has a unique take on frontend frameworks in that every part of it is built on its reactivity. It's a state library first, view library second. While this may be a departure from the familiar, this radical simpliflication will have you mastering the concepts in no time.

Let's Get Started

The first set of slides that introduce SolidJS can be found here:

Introducing SolidJS

And the Github: